A mai időjárás, 24. January 2025

  • 03:00 brightly
  • 06:00 brightly
  • 09:00 brightly
  • 12:00 partly cloudy
  • 15:00 partly cloudy
  • 18:00 partly cloudy
  • 21:00 brightly
  • 24:00 brightly

wind in exposed higher regions: W with gusts around 50 kmph
Clouds break up soon becoming sunny.

holnap, 25. January 2025

  • 03:00 brightly
  • 06:00 brightly
  • 09:00 brightly
  • 12:00 brightly
  • 15:00 brightly
  • 18:00 brightly
  • 21:00 brightly
  • 21:00 brightly

wind in exposed higher regions: SW to W with 20 to 40 kmph
Sunny and only in higher layers some thin clouds.

Sunday, January 26

Lots of clouds. In the western parts of Carinthia and in the Karawanken some rain in the afternoon.

Monday, January 27

Clouds from southwest. Mostly dry.

Tuesday, January 28

Dense clouds and rain, especially in the southwest. In the evening the snowline in Upper Carinthia is sinking to 1000m, in the east mostly snowfall only around 1700m. Partly windy.

Wednesday, January 29

Mostly dry, but often only little sun over the valleys.

Thursday, January 30

Clouds, sun and local showers.

24.01.2025 - 07:52 - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) - The weather experts in Carinthia